Thursday, July 20, 2017

Day 33- Candy Stripers

While looking for a particular pair of Cole Haan shoes I found these Tommy Hilfiger shoes. I never did find the pair I was actually looking for nor do I even remember exactly what they looked like at this point, but I digress. These Tommy Hilfigers were the closest shoes I could find to the style of shoe I was looking for and since it seemed unlikely the shoes I needed were attainable I just ran with it. The internet photo did not show the lining. When they arrived the lining was almost grounds for return but ...I don't do that... besides who will ever see it. As it turns out the candy striper lining is some kind of subtle medical warning because those cute little stripes are right where the shoe rubs in such a way as to rip the top of my foot open. Given the discomfort they are more likely to get kicked off than other shoes thereby letting the lining be seen. Perhaps I believe they will magically improve because for some reason they still live here. How is it that the innocent looking ones cause the most trouble?

Wear  ? Several
Circa 2008
Cost *
Comfort 3 (there are worse)
Pair #36

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Day 32- Making Herman Munster Proud

I miss Wild Pair! These giant, comfy, "ugly" shoes are OLD favorites. They used to be brushed suede. I think I painted them to buy them some time. They need more time after all they are only about 24 years old. :)

Wear Many many
Circa 1993
Cost unknown
Comfort 7
Pair #35

Day 31- Yes Those Are Giant Bandaids

I could feel them ripping holes in the top of my foot. Yes those are giant bandaids. No I will not likely wear them again. Given some of the things I have put on my feet it's shocking  that flip flops get the lowest comfort rating yet.
Wear 2 (not sure how they got a second chance)
Sept 2011
Cost Free with Purchase of Harley Boots
Comfort 1
Pair #34