Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Pair 42- The Pink Shoes

These shoes wrote their own story a few years ago but I just realized I should piece it together and share it.
They are not much worse for the wear because I kept changing them during the event and I never broke them in so they don't even have 60 miles on them (we actually walked 67). I bought them with time to break them in but I never felt well enough... and the Monday before the walk I was in the ER (just a little rotten gall bladder, that they opted to leave in for a bit)

Kitty helped me raise the funds. She is not frowning. She suffers from resting bitch face but she was in fact very happy because there were many treats involved in this photo shoot.

The Tuesday before the walk I shared this.. 
*Oct. 1st 2013 So here it is 3 days until the 60 Mile 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk. Probably the most important thing on my bucket. I clearly spoke to soon when I said for the first time in 13 years I felt well enough to do it. I am trying to break in the shoes by wearing them to doctors offices at this point... which does not work when you have to be wheeled out! If I have to walk bent in half, touching my toes because the pain won't let me stand upright I will do this! I can just hear the people I wanted to do it for telling me not to, still I know they would be proud. WISH ME LUCK!!!

-I did that walk barely able to walk for entirely different reasons than most people but we all did it just the same.

The next week I had this to say
*Oct. 8th 2013 The 3-Day event came and went in a blur! In spite of my health issues that make mornings super difficult and the fact that I did not train for a minute or own real sneakers when I signed up I came out unscathed, not a blister, a shin splint or any of the horrible things for which I proactively purchased first aid supplies. Still now I understand people donating money and saying “I would rather give money than walk” or donating large sums of money and saying it's less than I would have spent on sneakers and Band-Aids. I was lucky but I saw people who's feet had self destructed, go to medical tents, have them bandaged and keep on walking. I saw a man who looked like he could not walk out to a mail box walking up a hill many miles in. I saw people with one or both knees wrapped, with a prosthetic, with handicaps, with a boot, with pulled tendons, broken bones and in so much pain that each step could bring tears, still walking all to make a difference. Over the course of this event I was sick, I spent days and nights with awesome people, I dented my car, I saw people proving the odds can be beaten, I lost a pin that was very important to me, I was high fived 100 times if once (I like those), I spent mornings in my normal state of nausea and I was reminded there is still hope in the world. We were all trying to make a difference "for those that can't". Most importantly I learned to remind myself regularly that none of the small annoying stuff that I have the privilege of being able to whine about needs chemo. One more time I can't Thank all of you enough for your support, shares, likes, donations, purchases, advise and encouragement!!!! (I wish I could tag everyone) xoxo

I don't think I ever wore the shoes again. If you have not noticed well sneakers....meh.

Worn-... probably less than 10 times
Recent Wear- I don't wear them...I should Bronze them
Purchased Circa 2013
Cost $80 ish
Comfort 9
Pair #42

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Pair 41- If Alice in Wonderland meets Beetle Juice...or has that already happened? (Beetle Juice in Wonderland)

I think someone famous should make the Beetle Juice in Wonderland thing happen.
So these are fun and they are fairly comfortable, for shoes that the company calls "Stilettos".
They have no story. I wore them to work because my day needed "joy" and "fun shoes"="joy" (I might not share that theory with a mathematician). It was actually genius because the eye goes to the funky Beetle shoes instead of the hot mess the rest of me has been running around looking like lately.

(I still really need to work on my pictures)

Wear #2
Recent Wear- January 4th 2019
Purchased Circa 2017
Cost $30 ish
Comfort 6
Pair #41

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Who cares what day it is (pr # 40)- "Back By Popular Demand" (The Shoes Not the Blog)

In 1993 I worked in retail and $120.00 was way too much for...well...it needed to go to rent... Boooooots. Wild Pair was the best and thigh highs were AWESOME, though they were not as accepted as they are now (like... you must be working on a corner if you wore them). Now they go with everything and $120.00 in 2019 for boots is not the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever heard. Regardless of the insanity of it at the time it happened. In my defense 25 years later they still make the occasional guest appearance. I really loved them.
So New Years Eve into 2019 an old friend teased me about a sobriety check point (circa 1996) in which I could not walk a straight line due to my high heels and to the best of her recollection it was these boots. I was not driving that night in 1996 but apparently there was an authority sanctioned competition (at the check point) for the keys and though I was sober enough it was freezing, my heels were high and I was not allowed to take off them off to walk the line. She and I don't head out very often so when we decided to go out on NYE (afternoon actually) and in the same conversation the boots came up I decided to wear them. It's crazy 25 year old shoes, hang in there/ hold up, pretty well but 5 year old heel tips are only good for 2 wears.

(I will work on a better picture later)

Wear # ?!?!? Who knows!
Recent Wear- December 31st 2018
Purchased Circa 1993
Cost $120.00 (and likely still in the top 5 most expensive shoes I ever purchased)
Comfort 6
Pair #40