My favorite " yes I wear these
boots with shorts kind of often, boots" had to go in for an
overhaul/restoration and possible transplants, given that I could not be
without them but I had to be...well...I bought new boots. Sounds like cheating
on the "rules" however as I mentioned previously there must be “reasonable”
exceptions. I looked and searched for another pair of the same boots with no
luck, which is OK because it was time to make a small expansion to that flat
boot section of the attic anyway. This new pair is cute, a little pricey
considering the blah cheesy materials from which they are constructed AND the
total lack of trendy oddities but I was desperate. Day 14 was the second wear and they
rate about a 7 for comfort.
As for the pink pants...I was playing
dress up which is allowed as long as it it not in lieu of an actual shoe wear.
Wear 2 (June 2013)
June 2013
June 2013
Cost *40
Comfort 7
Pair 17