These Harley Davison cuties came from my “Birthday Do-Over” in 2011. My birthday is August 26th. I start stressing the possibility of sitting around doing nothing about 2 years in advance (not exaggerating much). In spite of the perfect plans, something inevitably goes wrong. Perhaps someone cancels, perhaps everyone is busy (work day, vacations ect.) regardless something goes wrong. Don’t get me wrong there are normally outings, gifties and/or cards but for some reason on THE day something will likely happen and the plans get cancelled. If I spend the day sitting home alone massive boohooing is something that will totally happen. In 2011 I was planning to go to see my grandfather and then to go to Seacrets in OC MD for lunch. This is how the day...make that the whole week unfolded: it started with an earthquake (I don’t live anywhere near CA), there were tornado watches, the media beat the wicked weather possibilities to death, a hurricane blew through on my actual Birthday, an out of town guest was stranded indefinitely, Grammy had no power and needed oxygen, the water on the sidewalk was halfway up my leg, while trees are landing on peoples houses and tornados were touching down in the next town over…well… birthday cancelled. "Noooooo!" and though I can “Nooooo” all I want to some things outweigh my day. I am not above doing things by myself just to scratch them off the “list” and sometimes in inappropriate weather but even if I had not been needed at home I couldn't just traipse off to the beach mid hurricane since it had been evacuated. Family and their safety always come first and with out whining or complaints. It just is and as it should be but life getting in the way of my day, humbug! So I stayed home, battened down the hatches, helped all of the people with all of the things AND rescheduled my day :) . I still get a birthday, so I moved it to September. My dad took me to see Papa, then we headed over to OC MD, low and behold and neato it was Bike Fest time! So in the end I got to spend a day with Daddy, see Papa, eat at Seacrets, see awesome bikes and amuse my Grammy because I do things like move my Birthday. While we were out Daddy bought these cute Harley boots for me from one of the vendors (and they came with free Harley flip flops). All that family time plus Biker Girl Stuff makes me really happy= Good Birthday (“Do-Over”).

Wear 3 *(Jan 2014)
August 2011
Cost Gift (and I don't remember)
Comfort 5
Pair #20
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