Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 15- No idea…Event of Some Kind Maybe

I have no idea when or why I bought these but they worked with this outfit. They are just fine for a rarely worn, cheap, Payless kind of shoe. I really do prefer more shoe and less foot showing. That has been the preference all along but I think it is worse now because a few days ago I saw a picture of a pair of strappy (like one string around the ankle and one across the toe strappy) uncomfortable looking, can't possibly fit anyone properly, nothing to them, pathetic little, giant healed, shoes on ugly feet and now I am super aware. I'm not exactly a foot model, so now when I look at these shoes I think do my feet look like the feet in the ugly strappy shoes? BTW when I showed the picture of the super ugly shoes to my husband he said that they were somewhat like a seriously inappropriate use of a thong bikini! So it is not just me.

This may have been a 3rd or 4th wear and they got a 3 comfort rating which was actually generous just in case the were getting a bad rap partially due to the pre-existing horrific condition of my feet. I wore them just 4 days after wear number 3 of the Day-7 shoes which is right around the time I discovered it is possible to get a blister on top of a callus on the bottom of my foot.

Wear  *4 *(July 2013)
Circa *2007
Cost  *15
Comfort 4
Pair 18