Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Random #2 Socks are awesome...

I wore a very matchy, very cute, little black outfit to the airport....and then the take off the shoes thing happened grin emotic

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Random #1 Are you kidding me Woman! This is about a stolen dog...which takes all of the time I should be playing with shoes.

My only concern on August 2nd when I got out of my car and stepped in front of a moving vehicle to save a Chihuahua was for the dogs safety and after a failed attempt to find his home I handed him over to someone that claimed to work with rescue. While I was still on a mission to find his owner and/or get him medical attention the woman that claimed to work with rescue was telling me stories about the SPCA and the rescue having intention to put the dog to sleep. That was the last thing I wanted to see happen so I contacted the rescues that she mentioned and the SPCA and after finding they had no record of the dog and she never worked for any of them I elevated my efforts to find him and/or his owners. Did she kill him? Did she sell him? Did she take him to rescue? Has a vet seen him? After many shares of photos and Chapito’s story on Facebook, a Craig’s list add and a trip back to the area I found him to post signs I was able to find the owner of the dog but the lady claiming to work with rescue would not respond. Due to the owners inability to fight for the dog I purchased rights to him through a bill of sale so that I could continue to fight for his return and his life. Before you judge this man for being unable to fight the battle to get his dog back you should know my friends, family and I have now spent about $5000.00 in an effort to get him back. Most people are not in a position to go to those lengths especially given the fact that the figure is before an appeal date has even been set. I am not sure where it goes from here but I would like to thank all of the people that shared his picture on FB (from Florida to New England to Arizona to Saskatchewan and everywhere in between), who helped find his original owner, who called with tips as to his whereabouts, who offered rewards, helped finance expenses, tagged people in animal care, put me in touch with people who know the ins and outs of animal control in the state of Delaware, helped me find a lawyer and helped spread the word. The support for a little boys Chihuahua and myself was immense. As with any situation there were a few misguided people that wanted to make a bad situation worse. They claim to help animals but just did a lot of name calling, posted pictures of the dog in sunglasses and a scarf basically mocking the situation. They claimed I gave the dog away on August 2nd, they took cut comments from my page out of context and tried to use them to support their illegitimate point. On August 2nd the dog was not mine to “give’” away and if there were any truth in the claims they would not have needed to use information out of context. As of Aug. 2nd all I had done was get him out of the road, conduct a failed search for his owners then hand him to someone that I genuinely believed worked with a legitimate animal rescue. He was wearing a collar therefore he had an owner, that person deserved the opportunity to be reunited with his pet. Though the intentions of the people posting silly pictures and false statements were wrong, childish and pathetic at least seeing the picture they posted of Chapito in sunglasses and a scarf let me know he was still alive.
The JP court did rule in my favor and the Judge essentially stated that the defendant threatened to kill the dog in order to get me off of her trail and it back fired.
It appears that as of August 26th Chapito was still alive as that was the day the defendant got the dog licensed in her name and not so coincidentally it was also the day After the police took me to her house with my bill of sale and court documents in an attempt to recover the dog.
To the best of my knowledge the owners of the dog have purchased another puppy but as of last I spoke to them were still baffled by this situation and missing Chapito.
An appeal has been made by the defendant to the Court of Common Pleas and a stay of judgment has been issued… meaning we wait for another court date to be set.
Again thank you to everyone who has helped us in any way! Your support means a great deal. AND thank you to all of you who actually work with rescue and dedicate so much to saving our furry friends that can’t speak for themselves.
I have no shoe recommendation for a situation such as this...