Friday, April 5, 2019

Pair 50 & 51- I Should Buy Them In Bulk

Rain boots were not part of my life until I bought these and I love them so much I am inclined to wear them just because it is cloudy. When I decide to go on vacation with only one pair of shoes it should be these, unfortunately they are cheap and don't last long.

After the very wet Carnival/ Mardi Gras when I had wet feet for a week and literally poured the water out of my boots (that were BTW destroyed) I decided I should embrace the rain boots that I had invested in the year prior, mmmm but I didn't invest much.

As much as I would like to wear them every day I do wait for rain or rain related conditions so the side really should not have blown out of the first pair by October 2018 but it did and Amazon no longer carried them but Ebay did, though they are not exactly the same.

Now the old pair stays at the top of the stairs to the creepy dungeon, so I can slip them on to go down there. It would be easier to run up the stairs (so the boogie man does not get me) without them but I need them so my feet don't get wet cold or dirty, all of which are possibilities in the basement.

Left are old and right are new...

Wear ?
Recent Wear- Regularly
Purchased- May 2017 and  November 2018
Cost 35 and 30
Comfort 9 ish
Pair #50 & 51

Pair 49- Matchy Matchy

These boots, that I could do without match a purse that I could do without and even though I don't use them together I need to keep them both... each because of the other. See??? 
I just don't carry a purse very often so I turned the purse into a nail polish tote and if I were going to a place where I needed a tote of nail polish I would be carrying to many bags to wear shoes that make me feel like I am falling forward. The Shoes have no brand name the purse is vintage Coach. I am not sure how I acquired either.

This is the same purse. It's not my purse... because I don't feel like getting up to take a picture so I found it on the internet.

Wear No idea
Recent Wear- No idea
Purchased- Circa no idea
Cost No idea
Comfort I don't remember
Pair #49

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Pair 48- Yes It's A Pair of Shoes!

I can't wait to wear these and see what happens. We are pretending it it going to go well.
Stay Tuned.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Ab's IshShoes: Pair 47- From Mexico to Mardi Gras

Ab's IshShoes: Pair 47- From Mexico to Mardi Gras: I bought these in May of 2017 because I needed travel shoes. I think these are perfect airport boots, comfortable to walk in, easy on and o...

Pair 47- From Mexico to Mardi Gras

I bought these in May of 2017 because I needed travel shoes. I think these are perfect airport boots, comfortable to walk in, easy on and off and I will wear them with anything to do anything.

Climbing a pyramid.

Walking down a dirt/shell road in the woods (in a bathing suit) because the tour truck broke down.

I don't have a picture of the wedding outfit black, cold shoulder lace sun dress and boots on the beach I think it was debatable as to whether or not that was normal behavior. On the way to the wedding I stopped to look at a cute, floppy, beachy hat. I tried it on and I thought it was darling but I asked my husband what he thought...he said "I think it's a point away from a witch costume". OK then, I suppose sometimes I need to be reeled in a little. :) 

They were my wear all of the time, with everything, go to, fall back on, sometimes summer boots but Mardi Gras 2018 pretty well finished them off. I believe they first got soaked at the NYX parade (this years is tonight) and stayed soaked all week the insides started to peel out.

Wear- One millllllliiionnnnn (kidding, I have no idea but they did not live very long... they may still be around somewhere)
Recent Wear- NA 
Purchased- May 20th 2017
Cost $19.99 (on Amazon Smile)
Comfort 8 (made by Soda)
Pair #47

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Pair 46.0 & 46.5- Muse Shoes

Today I am going to live vicariously through the excitement of vacations past. If 2019 wasn't winning in it's quest to crush me I might be headed to New Orleans for Mardi Gras (a favorite thing). As life would have it I still can't breathe very well, my 19 year old kitty cat needs me to feed her or she doesn't eat enough to sustain herself and my friends had other plans (not that I am normally above traveling on my own).

In 2015 I finally had the opportunity to scratch "Go to Mardi Gras" off of my bucket list and what I learned in a few days was that a few days is not enough, once is not enough and in the days before I headed to NOLA, there was a parade with an all female crew, that gives out hand decorated shoes and there was a parade with an all female crew that gives out hand decorated purses. In both cases only to a lucky few.

In 2016 I missed it again. I just did not have the time. I missed Muses (shoe girls) and NYX (purse girls) for a second year.

In 2017 I had a week off and I got there in time to see part of the NYX parade. A sweet local girl gave me an eye glass case that she caught. I was so excited...because I am basically a really old 4 year old and it was cool. The next day I prepped all day (like I was going to prom) for the Muses parade then I was off to see the Muses and hope one of them saw me! .
I lugged my "costume" 1200 miles. My husband asked me why, for the time and money, I did not just make a shoe...well that's not the point! (although I may do that this week)
Someone on the first vehicle to go by in the parade took a picture of me!!! I thought that was a good sign but he may have been the last person to see me at all. I really worked for a shoe and one flew past my head but it was not for me. In the end I did get a shoe...with the help of a refrigerator sized man that kept standing in front of me...really the Muses could not see me to decide for themselves if it was my year. He handed me that shoe and I was sort of ummm nuh ah kind of stuttering happy. YAY!!!

Her name is Trixie and she is beautiful :)

Coincidentally she looks like she could be related to my homemade, hand bedazzled shirt :)

Trixie among other parade toys... including the awesome eye glass case from the sweet local girl.

My BF donated a hat to my outfit. I painted it then I had to wear it on the plane because it did not fit in my carry on luggage and I think the paint was still a little wet.

I did not think I had a picture of the outfit! I found one. Yay (again)! The parade theme was Doctor Seuss, I did not know that in advance.
(heads up ummmm when people hate you, delete and block you on FB photos they took and tagged you in go bye bye too, so save them as you get them if you want them because you never know)

In 2018 some friends took me to Mardi Gras for the whole week. It was an awesome situation with such nice people and I did ALL of the parades! (All of the big ones, that happen the last week, that I knew about)
I got a crazy amount of stuff that week because... well most people have the good sense to get out of the rain but I do not and it rained a lot. Torrential down pours, dumping water out of my shoes and ringing out my socks did not slow me down and when you are one of the only die hard crazy people at a parades get stuff. My boots were wet for a week, therefore so were my feet. I tried to blow dry the boots but they never got completely dry and they would immediately get wet again. I had plastic bags around my feet, I ruined the shoes, and I don't know how a week worth of little damp feet didn't make them sick. lol

Day 1- I got 3 purses at the NYX parade! It was pouring and I was happy. Wet shoes for the rest of the week...worth it.

Day 2- Muses. I made a friend that was hanging out near where I was watching parades. We did the "where are you from originally" thing and 15 minutes later decided we may actually be kin :). She got a Shoe!!! It was as much fun to see her get a shoe as it is to get a shoe.

Parade float.

As the parade ended and I watched my chances at a shoe roll away...and debated running around the block to catch a few floats coming up the other side then a kind soul handed me a shoe. Apparently I looked sad and it was more fun to make me smile than to put a shoe on the piano. I call her Charity. Isn't she beautiful?!? (That's rhetorical)

Home with all of her friends and the reigning shoe, hanging out on her stand in the back ground. The Blue purse on the little table is my favorite form NYX. Believe it or not we donated about 75 lbs of stuff to charities but I still needed and extra suitcase to get home.

I am not sure if I like these or the Jimmy Choos it's these... definitely these.

I missed a free Bahamas trip that would have helped with with my seasonal misery. I even wondered if it might have helped my breathing issue and now I am about to miss Mardi Gras (that is just joy) but my breathing would not permit the hard work that is parading (lol) and my beautiful little girl kitty "George" (as in "I will name him George, and I will hug him, and pet him, and squeeeeeze him") is 19 years old and not feeling well. She needs me so even if the stars had aligned so that I could have gone I could not leave her. She is worth it ...even if she takes me down with her.

This is George (on a better day) the tiny little kitty that rescued a Pet Smart.

In celebration of my lost winter sanity retreats I may turn up the heat, find a palm tree and waves to play on the computer, sit in a bathing suit, on top of a pile of beads from Mardi Gras past, drinking a hurricane (and if I survive that a strawberry daiquiri) while decorating an old shoe and petting the cat.

Wears 0 (not intended for wearing)
Purchased/Received- February 2017 and February 2018
Cost... It depends do I count airfare and costume supplies???
Comfort N/A
Pair #46a &46.5

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Pair 45- Indoor Outdoor Slipper Boots???

I'm not sure if these are intended for indoor or outdoor use... or if they even actually fit me.
I feel wobbly in them.
My friend bought them (once upon a time) and they did not work for her so she sold them to me at a discount.
Sixteen (ish) years later I decided they were perfect with my onesie Grumpy Cat PJ's that I wore to "Pajama Game Night"...though no one wore actual pajamas... except me and I'm not 100% sure my onesie is PJ's... maybe it's a costume that I sleep in.
Look how Fluffy they are...
They were made for Grumpy cat PJ's...
They remind me of my cat!
Her name is George...
She is a little Grumpy too.

The Boots
The Outfit

Kitty Kitty 


I  love Steve Madden... and Kitties.

Wear 4 or 5
Recent Wear- February 9th 2019
Purchased- Circa January 2003
Cost 20 ish
Comfort 6-7
Pair #45

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Pair 44- For the Love of God

They say "Privileged" on the inside bottom...privileged to get out in tact or privileged not to have to wear them again.
I could not even leave them on my feet long enough to get a picture when I came home because OMG! They are officially a shelf decoration, they hurt up me all the way up to the bottom of my rib cage. I was walking like a toddler with under developed legs, wearing moms high heels. 
Since I did not get a good picture I found a stock photo on the internet in a different color so you can see how truly cute they are but OMG!
The actual boot does not hurt the actual foot so I am not sure how this works out but just OUUUUCH no joke all the way up to my rib cage. 
I think I bought them last year. I was out shopping and I was so proud when I walked out of the store without 2 pairs of boots I liked then I came home...and had to find them online... and ended up buying 3 pairs instead of 2. So much for proud. If I am not mistaken these were the 3rd. I shall refer to them as "For the Love of God". 

Wear #2
Recent Wear- February 14th 2019
Purchased- Circa January 2018
Cost 40???
Comfort Ummm 5 AND like Negative 4.6
Pair #44

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Pair 43-The Furry Orange Boots

Gold meh.
Colorful meh.
Coming from China meh.
Cheap, odd shade of orange, half calf, faux fur, smelled like unidentifiable chemicals , ordered on ebay (from a seller with 98.7% feedback), coming from China (eventually), with what appear to be 80's gold fashion earrings hanging on them AND we have a WINNER!

(Wear One) I walked into a party wearing these boots and the photographer turned around and took a picture of my feet because well look at them. There was also a flat tire incident in the 5 degree weather on the way to that party. (which is why there are tire changing boots in the trunk).

(Wear 2) I wore them to work a couple of years later...

(Wear 3) ...And February 2019 I wore them to work and it snowed and the car door froze shut... soooo... there was a bar near by... anyway it snowballed from there, one thing let to another, daddy had to come get me (yes I am 45) and the boots self destructed. :(

Imma fix-em 😆

Wear #3
Recent Wear- February 1st
Purchased/Received- January 2014
Cost 1 Dollar + 19.99 Shipping
Comfort 7
Pair #43

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Pair 42- The Pink Shoes

These shoes wrote their own story a few years ago but I just realized I should piece it together and share it.
They are not much worse for the wear because I kept changing them during the event and I never broke them in so they don't even have 60 miles on them (we actually walked 67). I bought them with time to break them in but I never felt well enough... and the Monday before the walk I was in the ER (just a little rotten gall bladder, that they opted to leave in for a bit)

Kitty helped me raise the funds. She is not frowning. She suffers from resting bitch face but she was in fact very happy because there were many treats involved in this photo shoot.

The Tuesday before the walk I shared this.. 
*Oct. 1st 2013 So here it is 3 days until the 60 Mile 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk. Probably the most important thing on my bucket. I clearly spoke to soon when I said for the first time in 13 years I felt well enough to do it. I am trying to break in the shoes by wearing them to doctors offices at this point... which does not work when you have to be wheeled out! If I have to walk bent in half, touching my toes because the pain won't let me stand upright I will do this! I can just hear the people I wanted to do it for telling me not to, still I know they would be proud. WISH ME LUCK!!!

-I did that walk barely able to walk for entirely different reasons than most people but we all did it just the same.

The next week I had this to say
*Oct. 8th 2013 The 3-Day event came and went in a blur! In spite of my health issues that make mornings super difficult and the fact that I did not train for a minute or own real sneakers when I signed up I came out unscathed, not a blister, a shin splint or any of the horrible things for which I proactively purchased first aid supplies. Still now I understand people donating money and saying “I would rather give money than walk” or donating large sums of money and saying it's less than I would have spent on sneakers and Band-Aids. I was lucky but I saw people who's feet had self destructed, go to medical tents, have them bandaged and keep on walking. I saw a man who looked like he could not walk out to a mail box walking up a hill many miles in. I saw people with one or both knees wrapped, with a prosthetic, with handicaps, with a boot, with pulled tendons, broken bones and in so much pain that each step could bring tears, still walking all to make a difference. Over the course of this event I was sick, I spent days and nights with awesome people, I dented my car, I saw people proving the odds can be beaten, I lost a pin that was very important to me, I was high fived 100 times if once (I like those), I spent mornings in my normal state of nausea and I was reminded there is still hope in the world. We were all trying to make a difference "for those that can't". Most importantly I learned to remind myself regularly that none of the small annoying stuff that I have the privilege of being able to whine about needs chemo. One more time I can't Thank all of you enough for your support, shares, likes, donations, purchases, advise and encouragement!!!! (I wish I could tag everyone) xoxo

I don't think I ever wore the shoes again. If you have not noticed well sneakers....meh.

Worn-... probably less than 10 times
Recent Wear- I don't wear them...I should Bronze them
Purchased Circa 2013
Cost $80 ish
Comfort 9
Pair #42

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Pair 41- If Alice in Wonderland meets Beetle Juice...or has that already happened? (Beetle Juice in Wonderland)

I think someone famous should make the Beetle Juice in Wonderland thing happen.
So these are fun and they are fairly comfortable, for shoes that the company calls "Stilettos".
They have no story. I wore them to work because my day needed "joy" and "fun shoes"="joy" (I might not share that theory with a mathematician). It was actually genius because the eye goes to the funky Beetle shoes instead of the hot mess the rest of me has been running around looking like lately.

(I still really need to work on my pictures)

Wear #2
Recent Wear- January 4th 2019
Purchased Circa 2017
Cost $30 ish
Comfort 6
Pair #41

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Who cares what day it is (pr # 40)- "Back By Popular Demand" (The Shoes Not the Blog)

In 1993 I worked in retail and $120.00 was way too much needed to go to rent... Boooooots. Wild Pair was the best and thigh highs were AWESOME, though they were not as accepted as they are now (like... you must be working on a corner if you wore them). Now they go with everything and $120.00 in 2019 for boots is not the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever heard. Regardless of the insanity of it at the time it happened. In my defense 25 years later they still make the occasional guest appearance. I really loved them.
So New Years Eve into 2019 an old friend teased me about a sobriety check point (circa 1996) in which I could not walk a straight line due to my high heels and to the best of her recollection it was these boots. I was not driving that night in 1996 but apparently there was an authority sanctioned competition (at the check point) for the keys and though I was sober enough it was freezing, my heels were high and I was not allowed to take off them off to walk the line. She and I don't head out very often so when we decided to go out on NYE (afternoon actually) and in the same conversation the boots came up I decided to wear them. It's crazy 25 year old shoes, hang in there/ hold up, pretty well but 5 year old heel tips are only good for 2 wears.

(I will work on a better picture later)

Wear # ?!?!? Who knows!
Recent Wear- December 31st 2018
Purchased Circa 1993
Cost $120.00 (and likely still in the top 5 most expensive shoes I ever purchased)
Comfort 6
Pair #40